Android SDK
Setting up the SDK (Loyalty Platform) in your Android app
Initialize SDK
The following guide provides steps to initialize the SDK for your Android application. Please follow all the steps below carefully.
minimum sdk required is 26. Please change it in app/build.gradle
Add Dependencies
Add Auth Token
To access Bluepine’s private JitPack library, add this line in your project's file (your_project/
Add JitPack Repository
In your project-level build.gradle file (your_project/build.gradle), add the
maven repository inside the allprojects closure:
Gradle 7.0+
If the allprojects closure does not exist, in your project's settings.gradle file (your_project/settings.gradle), add the maven repository:
Add the SDK dependency
Sync your project with Gradle files by clicking Sync Now.
Pair SDK with Dashboard
Register Package Name
Open your Conscent .aiDashboard and go to Settings > Basic Details and register a Package Name.
Set Package Name
Bluepine.setPackageName("<package_name_same_as_registered_in_cons cent_dashboard>");
Initialize SDK
The final step of initialization is to call the setPartnerIdAndUserId method. Initialise with a Partner ID
Initialize the SDK in your app's Application class or main entry point of the app. For integration purposes:
If you are under activity
If you are in a composable
Last updated