Get the details of the passes.
Please pass your API key as the username and API secret as password as Basic Auth to access the endpoint.
You need to pass either phone number or email of the user from which hw has made the purcahse.
"purchases": [
"availedOffers": [],
"promotional": false,
"categories": [],
"freeTrial": false,
"migrated": false,
"clientId": "5f92a62013332e0f667794dc",
"clientContentId": "Client-Story-Id-1",
"contentId": "61fba4adcbcaaf727a00168d",
"buyingPrice": 319.21,
"price": 399,
"priceDetails": {
"price": 399,
"currency": "INR"
"expiryDate": "2023-04-18T14:42:20.741Z",
"createdAt": "2023-04-18T07:42:20.749Z",
"userId": "6346608680c2216fe33d84fa",
"userEmail": "",
"userPhoneNumber": "8243334265",
"userName": "Kajal",
"userAddress": {
"apartment": "ggghhh",
"area": "kkkkkhhh",
"pincode": "922111",
"landmark": "sasshhh",
"city": "jjjjjhhh",
"state": "ffffffhhh",
"country": "iiiiihhh"
"paginationInfo": {
"pageNumber": 1,
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"recordsReturned": 1